Home Garden

Some Precautions to Note When Installing New Stairs at Home

When it's time to get a new staircase installed in your home, you may want to choose something very stylish that really stands out, as stairs can be a focal point of any space, especially an entryway. Wider and deeper stairs may also be safer for you or for someone in the family with balance issues. However, when choosing the design of stairs for a home, you might note a few precautions, as you don't want to do anything that could detract from the look of your stairs and even compromise their safety.

The Pros and Cons of Various Gutter Guards for a Residential Home

If you're like most homeowners, you probably hate cleaning out your home's gutters, which is why it might be time to invest in some high-quality gutter guards. As the name implies, these pieces guard the gutters from a build-up of leaves, twigs, mud and silt, bird droppings and other debris that can cause clogs to form. This debris can also cause the gutters to hold water rather than drain it away, and the weight of that standing water can pull gutters away from the house.

Simple Touches to Make Your Home's Interior Updated and Attractive

If your home's interior seems a bit outdated, or even downright bland and dull, you typically don't need to spend thousands of dollars to actually renovate the space. A few simple touches can easily update any home's interior, making it seem welcoming, attractive and more personal to you. Note a few suggestions you might try inside your home. Wall colour Plain white paint on the walls will make any space seem cold, bland, boring and even a bit unwelcoming, no matter the other colours and accents in that room.

3 Options for Cleaning Very Dirty Blinds

Most blinds in residential settings can be kept clean using a feather duster or a wet rag without having to remove those blinds from their mountings. However, these simple options may not suffice if those blinds get very dirty, such as after several months of neglect when you were away on vacation. This article discusses some options that you can consider for such demanding cleaning tasks. Use a Hose The first option that you can consider is taking the blinds outside and using your garden hose to clean them.

3 Ways Shade Sails Raise the Value of a Property

The Australian climate has been getting warmer, with record-beating temperatures being noted over the last couple of years. As such, Australian homeowners have found that shade sails are essential, especially for people living in the northern part of the country. When the sun is high and hot, shade sails protect you from the scorching rays of the sun while allowing you to enjoy the breeze outdoors. However, did you know that having shade sails installed on your patio could increase the value of your house?